poniedziałek, 26 sierpnia 2013

What's new?

This post won’t be written in Polish :) I think many of us (I mean people who love foreign languages) speak English fluently or are still learning it. I belong to the second ones. This holidays I even started writing my own English story, so I thought it would be good to write sometimes in this language on my blog (I’ve also thought about writing German posts, but there are much less people who like it, so I don’t know if it adds up). Of course these posts won’t be always correct, but it will make me nearer to the dream which is to know English as well as Polish.
The vacations are ending (there are only a few days left) and days are getting shorter and colder. And it means that winter is coming – I really hate that season, but we can’t have summer for the whole year, can we? :) Recently, I started listening to Norwegian music. I don’t learn Norwegian and I am not going to start it in the near future, so why did I make such a decision? This language seems to be really likeable. I think that it doesn't matter in what language music we listen to, because in the world there are many awesome songs in languages we don’t learn :) We can always check text and meaning of words on the Internet and that’s the most interesting thing. This morning I also realised how much Swedish and Norwegian language are similar to each other. I always knew that Swedes and Norwegian people can talk and understand one another, but today I was watching an interview between people from these countries and they were talking like folks from the same land. And it occured to me that there was no misunderstanding like "Huh? What have you said?".
This week I also returned to Spanish. I didn't say anything, but I hadn’t been learning it for 3 weeks, because I had needed to take a rest and spend time with German and English only. Although I forgot  many simple things, I think it was the right decision, because now I learn Spanish faster and more pleasantly.
All in all, thank you if you've read this post. It doesn’t belong to long ones, but it’s my first thing written in English on this blog and I want to check if it makes sense to write something at all. I know I’ve probably made a lot of mistakes, but if we do exercise, we’re getting better :)

19 komentarzy:

  1. hey! I really like it! I've read your post and I am so happy that I understand everything :)
    Świetny pomysł, mam nadzieję, że się przyjmie :) Nie jestem jeszcze w stanie napisać całego komentarza (przynajmniej nie siedząc nad nim pół godziny) po angielsku, ale może z czasem ;) Mam jednak nadzieję, że od czasu do czasu pojawi się coś po niemiecku :)

    1. Thanks for your comment! Yeah, I think that writing in German sometimes may be a good idea :)

  2. Ouch, nice to see the post in English here. That's a really good idea and I hope I'll be able to see more of them. I can't say if you made a lot of grammar mistakes because I'm still learning this language too but I think in this sentence: "We can always check text and meaning of words..." the better word would be lyrics insted of text ;)
    Good luck with your language and I can't wait to see more. Even in German but as you know I won't be able to understand it :P

    1. Thank you for correcting me and I'm glad to read that you think it's a good idea to write in English here :D

  3. Widzę że bardzo ambitnie podchodzisz do nauki języków :)

    1. Właściwie to sam do końca nie wiem, czy to ambitne :D Angielskiego uczę się już wszakże ponad osiem lat.

  4. I also write stories in English and I find it a great way to become more comfortable with foreign language :) It may work for me, because I love writing in general, but for others it can be a great excerise and a test for your vocab. It gives me a big boost of energy when I know I can say whatever I want to, without having to look anything up in the dictionary. Good luck! ;)

    1. I love writing, too. I've written a lot of stories in Polish, so writing in English is very interesting for me :) Yeah, it's really motivating when you realise that you can say anything. I get lots of energy also when it occures to me I can watch films and I understand every person :)

  5. Awesome :) My parents don't understand anything. 2 bad.
    English is beautiful <3

  6. What a surprise! I think you're idea is great. Look - you got a chance to write something in a foreign language and get feedback AND were able to motivate other people to respond in English, too.

    BTW, I'm studying Swedish at the university and I have classes in Norwegian together with studets learning Danish. And it is somehow possible to communicate ;)

    Take care!

    1. Thanks a lot :) I think it works both ways - I motivate other people to respond in English and their comments make me feel happy, because when I see answers in foreign language, I know that something has changed on by blog. And therefore I feel motivated, too :D

  7. I don't believe I understand everything. I thing it's a good idea to write notes in English. You're studying and we too. So go on.

    1. Well, my English is rather poor, so it isn't difficult to understand everything :D But I'm really glad that all of you like my idea :)

  8. I think it is a really good idea. Writing, as well as reading, help us improve our abilities in a foreign language. The first one is additionaly a voc test - it is simply more active method of learning.

    Good luck with your language learning! I keep my fingers crossed.

  9. Don't be so modest! Your english is really impressive! You don't make too many mistakes, and i think that native speakers of english wouldn't notice anything particularly incorrect or sounding strange in this post. I'm sure you've got no problems with communication in english and it seems you've reached a high level of this language. Greetings!:) Marcin

  10. I know it was written almost 2 months ago, but I read this post and... it was really nice to read that and feel that I understand considerable majority of the text. I can't say whether are mistakes here, because I'm on similar level to you and I think I did a lot of mistakes in my comment too. However, I believe if you write more such posts, your English will be good one day. In my opinion it's great idea to learn practical language :).

    Good luck!

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